We hope that you all had a good time over the holidays and that 2016 is treating you well so far.
Unfortunately, our Kickstarter bid wasn't successful, (but I suppose that'll teach us for launching a campaign over Thanksgiving and finishing it just after Christmas!) Anyway, we've since done a little more digging and found out a bit of a cheaper way of doing it. Hopefully, we will launch again soon, with the new title of 'Murderborn' for our first arc. Let's face it, it's a better title.
Additionally, we have just launched an Instagram account, so check that out and follow here for new art from the upcoming book:

We've got absolutely loads more ideas for future books, so please keep your eyes (figuratively) peeled for further updates. We are determined that this book will punch through the chest of this industry like a fist made of machetes.
Stay tuned fellow bastards!